The life of those who dwell in the secret place of the Most High may be called a Hidden Life, because the animating principle, the vital or operative element, is not so much in itself as in another. It is a life grafted into another life. It is the life of the soul, incorporated into the life of Christ; and in such a way, that, while it has a distinct vitality, it has so very much in the sense, in which the branch of a tree may be said to have a distinct vitality from the root.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Joy and Peace

Religious or sanctified joy, always bearing the stamp of deliberation and wisdom, always in keeping with that seriousness which naturally flows out of the truths and the responsibilities of religion, is entirely suited to the objects and occasions, on which it arises; so as to leave in the mind both the appearance and the fact of perfect tranquility; such as there is in God himself, who may be said to be always happy, always joyful, and yet to be always serious and unalterably tranquil. This joy seems to me to be often expressed in the Scriptures by the word PEACE; and is probably the precise state of mind, the delightful legacy of all true Christians, which the Savior had in view, when he said to his disciples, " PEACE I leave with you; MY peace I give unto you." Such a joy may be strong. In the language of Scripture, it may be "unspeakable and full of glory." But it is always calm and peaceful; and in this respect is entirely different from that excited and unprofitable intoxication of spirit, which is sometimes found to be experienced, and which so possesses and agitates the mind, that the will of God and our duty cannot be clearly perceived.

The Interior or Hidden Life (1844) Part 1, Chapter 15.

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